Welcome to my blog.
Today I am sharing a layout I created as an April Special Deputy at Colour, Stories, Inspiration.
The Scheme; the 5 colours are all there.
Evidence;stripes (paper), something sheer (vellum paper), place something upside down (butterfly).
Testimony: Create a vellum or transparent holder for your journaling ( the little holder is in between the butterfly and the cluster)
It has been an honour to work as a Special Deputy over at CSI during April.
Thank you Debbi for having me.
I have enjoyed the challenge of creating a layout for each of the Cases.
I am very excited to be joining CSI as a new Design Team Member for the next Challenge.
Case File No 121. Make sure you pop back to see my layout.....its a gorgeous colour combo.
Thanks again to those of you who ALWAYS stop by and leave me lots of Love.
I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Remember if you leave some love I will be sure to return the favour.
If you are new to my blog, and you like my work, I would love for you to become a follower.
Janice xx